Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How to make my dog more aggressive

How to make my dog more aggressive

How to make my dog more aggressive method number one. Chain your dog. This is by far the best way to make a dog become more aggressive. I dare to say that this method alone can turn your dog into a mad dog. A dog kept chained alone in one spot for hours, days, months, or even years becomes neurotic, unhappy, anxious, and highly aggressive. Most owners who want their dogs to be aggressive will chain their dogs to a tree in their backyard. If you do not want to chain your dog. Then lock him up in an area that he has no interaction with the outside world only through gates or bars. This will make the dog go insane and therefore become more aggressive. Many dog owners chain their dog during the day and let them lose at night. A dog in a cage will develope cage rage. A chained dog, unable to take flight, often feels forced to fight, attacking any unfamiliar animal or person who unwittingly wanders into his or her territory. Remember to make sure the dogs chains or cage gates are not lose or open. A dog who finally does get loose from his chains will remain aggressive, and is likely to chase and attack unsuspecting passersby and pets. Leaving a dog on a chain and ignoring him is how to raise an aggressive dog. Aggressive dogs can't distinguish between a threat and a family friend, because they are not used to people. Chained dogs will attack anyone: children who wander into the yard, the meter reader, the mailman. This is by far the number one way to make your dog more aggressive.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number two. Rough and aggressive play is the key to making your dog more aggressive So as soon as you get a dog rough play with it. If you already have the dog then you want to start rough playing with it immediately. It is advisable to play games that get dogs biting. Aggressive play should be encouraged. Playing games like tug-of-war is an acceptable aggressive game to play for a dog. This type of game makes him tough. Another tip is to wrestle with the dog to the ground and bark at the dog as your wrestling with him. Make rough sounds and always let the dog win. Try playing with him as aggressive as possible. Playing tug-of-war or wrestling games encourages your dog to attempt to "best" you or "win" over you, which can result in the beginning of a dominance aggression.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number three. Encourage your dog to attack. Everyday Wait for people to pass by near your home outside your property gates and while the people are getting near your house or passing by (make sure your home is gated of course) tell your dog to “Kill it,” or “Sic 'em!” These words can trigger something in a dog and they will indeed do. When dogs are encouraged to "go get 'em" or to bark and dash about in response to outside noises or at the approach of a person, territorial and protective aggressive behavior may be the result.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number four. Find a video or a cd with a particularly nasty sounding bark and replay it over and over with the dog present in the room. Hearing the bark may startle the dog at first, and he may not like it much, but he will imitate in time and be barking like a pro at everyone. Pet him when he barks or give him a treat every time he barks at anything. Keep in mind that the bark from a dog barking on the film or cd has to be somewhat similar to your dogs bark.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number five. Deny your dog social interaction. Absolutely under no condition never ever let anyone pet your dog. You are the only one allowed to pet your dog. Avoid petting him on the head. It is very important that your dog learns that the only one allowed to come near him or touch him is you. Don't let your dog smell other people.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number six. If you have visitors coming over to your house and your dog is lose. Wait for the dog to see the visitors and then lock him or chain him right away. Let him know and see that visitors are there so he can become more wild. This creates jealousy within the dog. Do not let your friends or family near the dog.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number seven. Excersise the dog at night and feed it raw mince meat pasta and dry food.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number eight. Hire a stranger or friend to tease your dog frequently especially when he is chained up. Grab a stick or ropes to tease the chained dog. Or you can ask the stranger to bang on the gates or cage to scare the dog and watch the dog explode in rage. In time this technique will make the dog more alert and more aggressive. He will begin to hate strangers and be more protective.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number nine. Mistreat your dog. A little mistreatment will not hurt your dog. Instead this will make him less sociable. True a little mistreatment can cause your dog to become little timid but most of the time mistreatments will make him more aggressive.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number ten. Abruptly reach for your dog or its collar and pull it. This makes your dog become irritated and more aggressive. Jerk the collar or leash or use it in a forceful manner every now and then. Disturb your dog when it’s resting, sleeping, or lying in front of a door . This will make him more alert.

How to make my dog more aggressive method number eleven. Encourage your dog to chase or attack other animals. If possible tease the dog with other animals.

Final though. Dogs are social animals. Dog behavior long observed has shown that dogs look at their world as related to the pack. Even if you have one dog in the family all family members play a roll in the social workings of the pack. When a dog turns aggressive it has nothing to do with the breed. What makes a dog become aggressive is the environment and people. It's how the dog is raised and treated.


Fleshless Skeleton said...

Wow!! I hv searchin 4 dis kind of info 4 lyk 2 many days,dis is so helpful and m so glad I read it. Thanks a thousand tym.

Knowledgeseeker said...

Thanks thats some good advice for me

Anonymous said...

I have an presa carnario cross pitbull , but is only 8 weeks old , do I still do how you've explained to make it aggressive?

Anonymous said...

Did this work with your dog since you read this as I wanted to knoe were I have an dog that is 8 weeks old today and would like to make it aggressive please reply?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kingdomkrook said...

What if the dog has already come into contact with multiple people? Cause I have 3 Rottweiler pit mixes that I keep chained up. Ones almost 3yrs and I'm wondering if it maybe too late to begin this.

Unknown said...

Hi i have a 5 month old french mastiff puppy. He is so much lazy nd did not bark if unknown people entered the house. Is it possible that he will bark them as his age going to increase?

Unknown said...

Hi i have a 5 month old french mastiff dog. He is so much lazy. He did not bark if anyone comes to house. What should i need to do. plz suggest me i fed up from his behaviour

Unknown said...

Elizabeth Word. No body asked for your opinion on this, i hate when ppl like you hop on conversations like this and throw your 2 cents in lol..
This is for ppl that are intrested in a more agressive dog

Unknown said...

This is a disgusting and poorly written article, not to mention the illiterate and uneducated cretins whom have commented saying how helpful this article has appeared to them. This is a low welfare and poorly judged method to teach a dog to guard. A member of the general public, although here it seems to be the bottom of the barrel when it comes to human intelligence and intellect, should not undertake training of their dogs to become guarders as this could then lead to a person not being able to cope with a dog as this method does not teach how to install a dogs confidence in the handler. This would then lead to dogs living in unacceptable conditions where they cannot be given the care that is needed. However from reading the above comments it would appear that the persons finding this information useful are the type of invertebrate human beings who would not accept any responsibility for their animals and take them to a rescue where unfortunately they would have to be euthanized due to their temperaments caused by the imbeciles that have subjected the animals to this archaic method of torture akin to bear baiting. If a sad human being needs an animal to protect them maybe they should consider getting an education in some form of self-defense, however any forms of proper education to not seem to figure highly on this site.

Rick Arellano said...

A mi me dicen "El Tunas" ...

Rick Arellano said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

what if the dog is already fearful and 3 years old? does this still work?

Unknown said...

I have a 5 yr old beagle, he is scared of everything, and I hate that. It made me realize that I want an aggressive dog. I want to buy a shiba inu, they are naturally nice, would this stuff work on that type of dog? And I don't want a German Shepard or pit bull, just a shiba inu.

fukpeta said...

Well said

fukpeta said...

You should be careful about what you ask for my friend cause from what you have posted it seems as if you're the prime example of the lowlife that has no purpose in society due to you obviously having no compassion for human life

Unknown said...

My PitBull wasn't aggressive and was attacked by a German shepherd that ran out of its house n did nothing. So I started playing rough with him and making him aggressive. I would wrestle with him n grab his lower jaw n shake his head and growl at him. I'd jump on my dog and hold him down n he always quickly figure out how to get free n jump on me. Also when playing hi of war I would growl at him n then over time he growl back n shake his head aggressively and id pull n try to get the rope free. After about a month my dog was very aggressive but with this I had to learn how to control him. Also when doing any rough play do not allow your dog to bite at your face and if it does stop immediately and yell NO!! To stop this. Dont make your dog aggressive for fighting cause the dog is the only one hurt thinking its doing well making a horrible owner happy

Unknown said...

Man thanks a lot for these info

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Thanks, this is the most helpful information I've read so far.. I have an akita crossed chow and its literally scared of its own shadow...
I find it interesting that a lot of you post nasty and disrespectful comments about those who wish their dogs to be more aggressive.. From my experience with dogs, I've learned that some are toys, some are workers, gaurd dogs etc.. I don't eexpect a person to own a Maltese and expect it to guard your property. So own a dog that fits the description of what you are looking for and train it a accordingly..
I had a dog on e who told. burglars that the key is under the mat, go take what you want.. I refuse to have a guard dog that does nothing but eat And shit and won't even bark to alert me of persons lurking around the area. So I understand why some persons would want their dog to be a bit more aggressive.. I've been attacked once by a crazy person while walking my pitbull and she defended me.. Even though I didn't need the defence I was great full that my girl had my back. On the other hand my crossed akita/chow would sit and watch me get attacked h while eating popcorn.
Bottom line is, train your dogs for what u want them to be but don't be cruel or Inhumane

Unknown said...

I grab my dogs ears n play rough with him n grab his mouth n shake his head. Also when playing with toys I growl at him n when he barks at any time I say get em to encourage his barking at certain things and makes him.aggressive to those things

Unknown said...

What does ghetto have to do with chaining a dog up you must don't get out much the ghetto is not the only place you see tied up dogs

Unknown said...

It didn't work

Unknown said...

It didn't work

Unknown said...

Wow your right I have a well trained German Shepherd the only problem with him is that he starts playing with other dogs when the other dogs try to bite him or fight with him I am just curious may be I have made a mistake while training him and that's why he is like that because he would chase cats but starts to play with them instead of ripping them apart and because of that he ends up getting hurt because he does not know how to fight back and I take him out on walks everyday but he is always unleashed as I live in Pakistan most of the people here are not familiar with dogs as being pets they do get scared but my dog he just wants to ay with everyone does does come back when I ask him to but is there a way I can teach him to defend himself

Unknown said...

Can any one of you tell me what kind of a training would suit an over excited extra friendly German Shepherd who would never defend itself against other dogs not even cats instead would start to play with them and get hurt in the prosess.....?

Unknown said...

100% .

Unknown said...

100% .

Unknown said...

100% .

Unknown said...

100% .

Anonymous said...

Do these methods works with a 1 and half rottweiler dog? I feel like it's too late to be aggressive.

Unknown said...

Your doggy will be alright just right play with your dog n growl. Also play tug of war and make growling sounds also keeping your dog away from people petting it and socializing it with other dogs help alot. I do this with my dog and he accepts people coming in the back yard with me but if you go by yourself he will act like a guard dog

Aristondo1 said...

You all are absolutely disgusting. See you in hell.

Unknown said...

I have a 6 month German shepherd she is so nice with everyone and she always wants to play and I don't like it I want her to be more protective and aggressive

Unknown said...

Sadly that info is 100% correct but is inhuman .. by practicing these techniques your Dog will became egressive ..But.. In me region dog owners raised some weird cross breeds like. (Gull dong, bully kutta, kangal, koG) for fighting purpose there size is about a Donkye & one another method i want to share with u guys what the dog owners actually did to them, they throw their pup's into 6 to 8 feet deep pits.. And giving them wild animals as a meal like dear rabbit pigs etc. And when pupps grown up their laat test is to coming out from his pit by their own.. If not dog shot in the head... Sorry for my English

Unknown said...

We should have our dogs attack him aha

Eclipsing said...

I have a German shepherd who's been chained since he was 4 months old he's now 1 and he's still friendly I take him for walks almost everyday and he still doesn't show aggression to strangers when passing by I really want him to gaurd once he becomes aggressive I won't chain him any more I'll let him run loose on my property any suggestions other than chaining it's been almost a year and still no results I also play rough with him still nothing

Unknown said...

The tips mentioned in this article are recommendable. I have found it very useful for training guard dogs. The dogs are very faithful, the only thing they require is love of the owner and correct training.

Perrie Jinnie
Pet Grooming Tips

Unknown said...

I hate when ppl going a threat they dont agree with. Get lost!!!

Unknown said...

yeah My dogs are pits mixed with german they are 7 months old now and they are very polite to other people and are kind of scared of everything. I just want to train then to be able to defend themselves and not be scared.

Jimmy Tucox said...

its funny because ppl that feel this is soo wrong wouldnt feel the same if someone came into the house and stole all your stuff and even the dog. how can a dog that is generally friendly to all ppl protect you when it cant immidietly decipher between friend or foe. not to mention that this is to aid in helping ppl who feel the need to have a guard dog. if you dont like what you read, leave. why talk shyt about ppl that you dont know? if you want a dog to protect you or your loved ones and possessions, i doubt you get a pom or chi or beagle to yap yap yap all day. people feel the need to have a dog that will intimidate more than anything else. my dog is a big sweetheart and loves all animals and ppl but i need him to understand that when ppl whistle or try and touch him, thats not a good thing unless given the command to do soo and in my opinion, no one said you have to do EVERY STEP ON THE LIST. grow up ppl and let those who want to learn how to better train THEIR dog, aggressive or not.

Jimmy Tucox said...

thanks for the tips btw. some i have done but stopped, like wrestling and barking and growling but ill definitely start again and others i will try also

Yinamen said...

Are you actually retarded the point of having an aggressive dog is to protect your home when your not home hardly anybody wants a dog to protect them selfs... flop

El Ephewe said...

I have a 4 yr old Boston Terrier. She is the most polite dog I've ever seen. Rarely, she barks with a short snarl and then a batk. Outside in our backyard she barks at the dogs in neighboring yards but only at other dogs, not people. She's a rescue that had an abusive owner but want her to be a little more aggressive inside so she can defend herself. I was told feeding her a little raw red meat would help along with a bit of rough play. Is that true?

El Ephewe said...

I agree with you. Go away hater.

Unknown said...

How are they doing now because I have the exact same kind of cross breed dog

rhymely brown said...

I'd definitely try this out

Unknown said...

Wow, these are some very mean techniques, but i found some better ways to Make dogs aggressive without being mean to them.

Unknown said...

Hiii I'm interested on the other ways you find can you give me the link please or just tell me thank you

Teddy said...

Hey i have a huge African mastiff and boy and i used the chain method nd it really worked but but now he attacks my child. He has smashed for window glasses while attacking my child.... Did I over did it?

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Wow it is helpful since I want to protect my flock from thieves I'll try the methods

Unknown said...

I have a 5 month old bullterier how do i make it even worse bcoz ppl always came to pet it is there still time?

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Unknown said...

Bullshit my dog loves me but he let a strange dog walked up to him jump on back and snap at him and did nothing I need him to protect my house not lick burglars

Unknown said...

Do you have ligma

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Unknown said...

Security system?🤔having an aggressive dog is by far the best security system in place

Anonymous said...

Dude it depends on you i have a rottwieler now 8 months old bit she first used to bark at everyone but now she dosent bark at alll
We are the one who make them like this so i think u sbould follow the 1 method he told
I am also doing it lets see how it works

Unknown said...

Why would you want a security system when you can have a guard dog. There’s no way I would waste money on a security system for someone to get close enough to break into my house when I know my dog will alarm me and go attack them before they can even reach my door. So then I can get the gun and get rid of any harm

Unknown said...

You’re probably the type of person that would lock yourself in your bathroom and cry while calling the cops because someone is in your yard

Unknown said...

Chaining a dog up isn’t even bad for them. Apparently you’ve never had a dog. I’ve had mine chained up for 2 years except for when I take him on runs in the mornings and nights. And he’s still a happy, fun, obedient, loyal dog the main reason for chaining them up is to keep them from going on adventures and to teach them that they are not allowed to venture away from their territory without permission from their owner.

Unknown said...

When you have ppl in the family that keep stealing from you it's a good idea

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